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Description: JHUF
Category: Thick and Quirky
Release Date: December 27th, 2002
File Size: 8K (8900 bytes)
Downloads: 82 for the past Day (Rank: 635)
166 for the past Week (Rank: 1991)
Copyright notice: Created by Joiro Hatagaya | JOIRO@HOTMAILCOM | FREEWARE |
Font family: JHUF
Font subfamily: Nominal
Unique ID: Joiro Hatagaya's Utility Font
Full name: JHUF
PostScript name: JHUFNominal
: Joiro Hatagaya
Font family: Greetings font fans!This is the second (released) of my next generation (FOG 41) fonts Concept was to create a versatile on-screen font that would have decent design and be more or less readable as well Of course influence by that famous Mac GUI font (Chicago aka Beijing) can't be overseen, but I believe that there are enough differences to get this font its own small place in the history of type [Reaching for the stars here a bit :)]Well, I hope you enjoy this font If you really like it and would like to send me anything (Superhero comics, CDs, Sci-Fi movie 'making of' books, well, stuff for a computer and Sci-Fi freak) I will be more than happy to give you my adress just send me an e-mail What can I do, begging for stuff is an old and honored tradition for freeware products, so I do it as well :]Ok, that's it Bye!
Font family: mailto:JOIRO@HOTMAILCOM
Font family: This font is ©1999 Joiro Hatagaya and it's FREE for NON-COMMERCIAL uses If you want to use it commercially please contact me by e-mail first Or face the consequences :]
Vendor ID: 'JHJB'
modified: Wed Jul 28 06:33:46 1999
Character Count: 103
PANOSE: 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Weight: Normal/Regular
Width: Medium/Normal (100%)
Unicode Range 1: Basic Latin; Latin-1 Supplement;
Unicode Range 2:
Unicode Range 3:
Unicode Range 4:
Windows codepage Range 1: 1252 Latin 1;
Windows codepage Range 2:

NOTE: Please refer all issues to its author. Visit our Support Section for instructions on how to install this file. Linking to this page is permitted, but not to our preview images. Only authors and copyright owners have exclusive rights to reproduce these images. Want to use a Font commercially? Please contact its author to make sure, even if it's freeware.
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